To fix this, first download the script I wrote to fix the stylesheets and javascript files from here.
php (such as viewtopic.php* and viewforum.php*) files in there.
Note: Replace with the web address of the actual forum you want to archive. It going slowly is no bad thing because it stops the web server from being overwhelmed. Please be aware this it might take a very long time to run this command – be ready to leave it going overnight (or in my case, several days). I used the command from the IBBoard tutorial for this: wget -m -p -np -R "*sid=*,ucp.php*,memberlist.php*,*mode=viewprofile*,*view=print*,viewonline.php*,search.php*,posting.php*" These steps assume you’re running Linux, but the scripts provided may also work on macOS or on Windows under Cygwin ( ). If not, install it using your package manager. Wget is usually available out of the box on Linux. It may work with other themes as well, but I cannot verify/guarantee this. NOTE: This tutorial assumes you’re using the default “prosilver” theme. I did this because the whole site keeps going up and down and I’m not sure how long the forum will remain available. Recently, I took it upon myself to archive the MultiWii forums as part of the Drone Pi project I’m currently working on (more details and instructions coming soon!). NOTE: This post is based on but adds some extra steps which I found necessary to make it work best.